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Mood Boards

The Meringoff Residence is based off of a made up client I had in a school project

The home I will feature has a very graceful persona. The inspiration for the home is the Ancient Hindu celebration of spring rains growing the grapes. The colors of the space will be fuchsia, purple, red and green. Each window in the house will have a treatment that will give off a more elegant feel to the space with it use of vertical lines.  The home will be designed in a way to help each individual that comes in to it feels the lusciousness of the Grape divine.

The Von Freem Residence is based off of a made up client I had in college

The VonFreem project will be strongly influence of the ancient Egyptions.The apartment will be covered with the past mystical powers of the most powerful known Egyptian gods. The lighting in the apartment will be low at some parts and high in others. I will select colors such as yellow orange blue red and green to the space. The space will also feature magic just like in the days of ancient the end the space will make the Vonfreem’s and their guess feel like a powerful elegant member of ancient Egypt.

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